Dipak Ghosh Book On Mamata Banerjee Download In Bengali [April-2022]

She has lied to the EC and the Supreme Court, the NDA and the BJD, every day in the Parliament and the Press and at the public rallies. For instance, in July 2007 she lied in the Parliament when she said that the Samadhi was vandalised by the TMC goons only to add that the Bodh Gaya Jayanti Mahasabha was a part of the TMC. Later she told that TMC goons attacked the Bodh Gaya Jayanti Mahasabha. She lied again when she said that her daughter is a school-going student in the Kolkata School. She said that there was a riot there. I don't know how she lied. But she is a liar, so be it. She did not admit to lie before the EC. She does not know how to apologize. Even after she lied to the EC, the Supreme Court and the NDA and the BJD, she says that she did not lie to the EC. She is a liar. She lies to the EC, the Supreme Court, the NDA, the BJD, to the Parliament, the Press and in ralliesĀ . In the above chapter, we have discussed a total of 43 instances of falsehood by her. Out of these 43 lies, 34 lies were made in the Parliament. There were 11 lies in the Press and 10 lies in rallies. If we look at the lies which were made in the Parliament, out of 34 lies, one lie of hers was denied by a Minister and another lie was made to the chairperson of the Lok Sabha. One lie was made in the Rajya Sabha and two lies were made by an ordinary member. When she made a lie to the chairperson of the Lok Sabha, she was indicted by the Parliamentary committee and was defeated by a single vote. She made a lie in the Rajya Sabha. She was defeated by a single vote. When she made a lie in Parliament, it was reported by all the News channels. The lie was made in the Parliament and the lie was made in front of all the MPs. The lie was made in the Parliament and she was beaten by a single vote. Out of the 29 lies made in the Parliament, 26 lies were made in the Lok Sabha and one lie in the Rajya Sabha. In the Parliament, she was defeated by a single vote in only 1 lie. In the Rajya Sabha, she was defeated by a single vote in 1 lie. In all the
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